Apache NetBeans
Apache NetBeans
Latest release

Apache NetBeans 25


How to use color text in Output Window

You can use IO extension classes like IOColorPrint, IOColorLines. Default colors can be changed via IOColors.

InputOutput io = IOProvider.getDefault().getIO("test", true);

// change default color for output in corresponding tab
if (IOColors.isSupported(io)) {
    IOColors.setColor(io, IOColors.OutputType.OUTPUT, Color.GRAY);

// print line in specific color
if (IOColorLines.isSupported(io)) {
    IOColorLines.println(io, "Green line", Color.GREEN);

class L implements OutputListener {

// print parts of line in specific color
if (IOColorPrint.isSupported(io)) {
    IOColorPrint.print(io, "Green part", Color.GREEN);
    IOColorPrint.print(io, " pink part", Color.PINK);
    IOColorPrint.print(io, " hyperlink with custom color", new L(), false, Color.MAGENTA);

See here for a plugin that has a convenient class that takes care of the dirty work and even handles OutputListeners.

Applies to: NetBeans 6.7 or later, (IOColorPrint 6.8 or later).