The NetBeans E-commerce Tutorial - Integrating Transactional Business Logic

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Tutorial Contents

netbeans stamp 68 69
Figure 1. Content on this page applies to NetBeans IDE, versions 6.8 and 6.9

The purpose of this tutorial unit is to demonstrate how you can use the object-relational mapping (ORM) capabilities provided by EJB and JPA technologies to gather data from a web request and write to a back-end database. Of particular interest is EJB’s support for container-managed transactions (refer to the GlassFish v3 Java EE Container diagram). By applying several non-intrusive annotations, you can transform your EJB class into a transaction manager, thereby ensuring the integrity of the data contained in the database. In other words, the transaction manager handles multiple write actions to the database as a single unit of work. It ensures that the work-unit is performed either in its entirety or, if failure occurs at some point during the process, any changes made are rolled back to the database’s pre-transaction state.

Within the context of the AffableBean application, this tutorial unit focuses on processing a customer order when data from the checkout form is received. You create an OrderManager EJB to process the checkout form data along with the session cart object. The OrderManager performs a transaction that involves multiple write actions to the affablebean database. If any of the actions fails, the transaction is rolled back.

You can view a live demo of the application that you build in this tutorial: NetBeans E-commerce Tutorial Demo Application.

Software or Resource Version Required

NetBeans IDE

Java bundle, 6.8 or 6.9

Java Development Kit (JDK)

version 6

GlassFish server

v3 or Open Source Edition 3.0.1

MySQL database server

version 5.1

AffableBean project

snapshot 7


  • The NetBeans IDE requires the Java Development Kit (JDK) to run properly. If you do not have any of the resources listed above, the JDK should be the first item that you download and install.

  • The NetBeans IDE Java Bundle includes Java Web and EE technologies, which are required for the application you build in this tutorial.

  • The NetBeans IDE Java Bundle also includes the GlassFish server, which you require for this tutorial. You could download the GlassFish server independently, but the version provided with the NetBeans download has the added benefit of being automatically registered with the IDE.

  • You can follow this tutorial unit without having completed previous units. To do so, see the setup instructions, which describe how to prepare the database and establish connectivity between the IDE, GlassFish, and MySQL.

Overview of the Transaction

In order to process the data from the checkout form as well as the items contained in the customer’s shopping cart, you create an OrderManager EJB. The OrderManager uses the provided data and performs the following write actions to the database:

  • A new Customer record is added.

  • A new CustomerOrder record is added.

  • New OrderedProduct records are added, according to the items contained in the ShoppingCart.

We’ll implement this by creating a placeOrder method which performs the three write actions by sequentially calling private helper methods, addCustomer, addOrder, and addOrderedItems. We’ll also implement the three helper methods in the class. To leverage EJB’s container-managed transaction service, we only require two annotations. These are:

transaction diagram
Figure 2. Several write actions are performed within a single transaction

Because we are implementing the transaction within a larger context, we’ll approach this exercise by dividing it into several easily-digestible tasks.

Examining the Project Snapshot

Begin by examining the project snapshot associated with this tutorial unit.

  1. Open the project snapshot for this tutorial unit in the IDE. Click the Open Project ( open project btn ) button and use the wizard to navigate to the location on your computer where you downloaded the project. If you are proceeding from the previous tutorial unit, note that this project snapshot is identical to the state of the project after completing the previous unit, but with the following exceptions:

    • The confirmation.jsp page is fully implemented.

    • The affablebean.css stylesheet includes rules specific to the confirmation.jsp page implementation.

  1. Run the project ( run project btn ) to ensure that it is properly configured with your database and application server.

If you receive an error when running the project, revisit the setup instructions, which describe how to prepare the database and establish connectivity between the IDE, GlassFish, and MySQL.

  1. Test the application’s functionality in your browser. In particular, step through the entire business process flow. When you click the submit an order from the checkout page, the confirmation page currently displays as follows:

confirmation page start
Figure 3. Confirmation page displays without any data relating to the processed order

No data related to the order is displayed on the confirmation page. In fact, in its current state the application doesn’t do anything with the data from the checkout form. By the end of this tutorial unit, the application will gather customer data and use it to process an order. In its final state, the application will display a summary of the processed order on the confirmation page, remove the user’s ShoppingCart and terminate the user session. (Snapshot 8 completes the request-response cycle when a checkout form is submitted.)

Creating the OrderManager EJB

  1. Click the New File ( new file btn ) button in the IDE’s toolbar. (Alternatively, press Ctrl-N; ⌘-N on Mac.) In the New File wizard, select the Java EE category, then select Session Bean.

  2. Click Next. Name the EJB ‘OrderManager’, place the EJB in the session package, and accept other default settings. (Create a stateless session bean, and do not have the wizard generate an interface for the bean.)

ejb wizard
Figure 4. Create a stateless EJB session bean using the Session Bean wizard
  1. Click Finish. The new OrderManager class is generated and opens in the editor.

Handling Request Parameters

  1. Open the project’s ControllerServlet. (Either select it from the Projects window, or press Alt-Shift-O (Ctrl-Shift-O on Mac) and use the Go to File dialog.)

  2. Locate the area in the doPost method where the /purchase request will be implemented (line 190).

Press Ctrl-G to use the Go To Line dialog.

go to line
Figure 5. Use the Go to Line dialog to quickly navigate to a specific line
  1. Implement code that extracts the parameters from a submitted checkout form. Locate the TODO: Implement purchase action comment, delete it, and add the following:

// if purchase action is called
} else if (userPath.equals("/purchase")) {

    *if (cart != null) {

        // extract user data from request
        String name = request.getParameter("name");
        String email = request.getParameter("email");
        String phone = request.getParameter("phone");
        String address = request.getParameter("address");
        String cityRegion = request.getParameter("cityRegion");
        String ccNumber = request.getParameter("creditcard");

    userPath = "/confirmation";

Implementing placeOrder and Helper Methods

  1. In the ControllerServlet, add a reference to the OrderManager EJB. Scroll to the top of the class and add a reference beneath the session facade EJBs that are already listed.

public class ControllerServlet extends HttpServlet {

    private String userPath;
    private String surcharge;
    private ShoppingCart cart;

    private CategoryFacade categoryFacade;
    private ProductFacade productFacade;
    private OrderManager orderManager;*
  1. Press Ctrl-Shift-I (⌘:-Shift-I on Mac) to allow the editor to add an import statement for session.OrderManager.

  1. Use the extracted parameters, as well as the session cart object, as arguments for the OrderManager.placeOrder method. Add the following code:

// if purchase action is called
} else if (userPath.equals("/purchase")) {

    if (cart != null) {

        // extract user data from request
        String name = request.getParameter("name");
        String email = request.getParameter("email");
        String phone = request.getParameter("phone");
        String address = request.getParameter("address");
        String cityRegion = request.getParameter("cityRegion");
        String ccNumber = request.getParameter("creditcard");

        *int orderId = orderManager.placeOrder(name, email, phone, address, cityRegion, ccNumber, cart);*

    userPath = "/confirmation";

Note that we haven’t created the placeOrder method yet. This is why the editor flags an error. You can use the tip that displays in the left margin, which allows you to generate the method signature in the appropriate class.

tool tip create method
  1. Click the tip. The IDE generates the placeOrder method in the OrderManager class.

public class OrderManager {

    *public int placeOrder(String name, String email, String phone, String address, String cityRegion, String ccNumber, ShoppingCart cart) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented");


The import statement for cart.ShoppingCart is also automatically inserted at the top of the file.

  1. In the new placeOrder method, use the method arguments to make calls to the (yet nonexistent) helper methods. Enter the following:

public int placeOrder(String name, String email, String phone, String address, String cityRegion, String ccNumber, ShoppingCart cart) {

    *Customer customer = addCustomer(name, email, phone, address, cityRegion, ccNumber);
    CustomerOrder order = addOrder(customer, cart);
    addOrderedItems(order, cart);*

Note that we need to follow a particular order due to database constraints. For example, a Customer record needs to be created before the CustomerOrder record, since the CustomerOrder requires a reference to a Customer. Likewise, the OrderedItem records require a reference to an existing CustomerOrder.

  1. Press Ctrl-Shift-I (⌘:-Shift-I on Mac) to fix imports. Import statements for entity.Customer and entity.CustomerOrder are automatically added to the top of the file.

  1. Use the editor hints to have the IDE generate method signatures for addCustomer, addOrder, and addOrderedItems. After utilizing the three hints, the OrderManager class looks as follows.

public class OrderManager {

    public int placeOrder(String name, String email, String phone, String address, String cityRegion, String ccNumber, ShoppingCart cart) {

        Customer customer = addCustomer(name, email, phone, address, cityRegion, ccNumber);
        CustomerOrder order = addOrder(customer, cart);
        addOrderedItems(order, cart);

    *private Customer addCustomer(String name, String email, String phone, String address, String cityRegion, String ccNumber) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented");

    private CustomerOrder addOrder(Customer customer, ShoppingCart cart) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented");

    private void addOrderedItems(CustomerOrder order, ShoppingCart cart) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented");


Note that an error is still flagged in the editor, due to the fact that the method is currently lacking a return statement. The placeOrder signature indicates that the method returns an int. As will later be demonstrated, the method returns the order ID if it has been successfully processed, otherwise 0 is returned.

  1. Enter the following return statement.

public int placeOrder(String name, String email, String phone, String address, String cityRegion, String ccNumber, ShoppingCart cart) {

    Customer customer = addCustomer(name, email, phone, address, cityRegion, ccNumber);
    CustomerOrder order = addOrder(customer, cart);
    addOrderedItems(order, cart);
    *return order.getId();*

At this stage, all errors in the OrderManager class are resolved.

  1. Begin implementing the three helper methods. For now, simply add code that applies each method’s input parameters to create new entity objects.


Create a new Customer object and return the object.

private Customer addCustomer(String name, String email, String phone, String address, String cityRegion, String ccNumber) {

    *Customer customer = new Customer();

    return customer;*


Create a new CustomerOrder object and return the object. Use the java.util.Random class to generate a random confirmation number.

private CustomerOrder addOrder(Customer customer, ShoppingCart cart) {

    *// set up customer order
    CustomerOrder order = new CustomerOrder();

    // create confirmation number
    Random random = new Random();
    int i = random.nextInt(999999999);

    return order;*


Iterate through the ShoppingCart and create OrderedProduct`s. In order to create an `OrderedProduct, you can use the OrderedProductPK entity class. The instantiated OrderedProductPK can be passed to the OrderedProduct constructor, as demonstrated below.

private void addOrderedItems(CustomerOrder order, ShoppingCart cart) {

    *List<ShoppingCartItem> items = cart.getItems();

    // iterate through shopping cart and create OrderedProducts
    for (ShoppingCartItem scItem : items) {

        int productId = scItem.getProduct().getId();

        // set up primary key object
        OrderedProductPK orderedProductPK = new OrderedProductPK();

        // create ordered item using PK object
        OrderedProduct orderedItem = new OrderedProduct(orderedProductPK);

        // set quantity
  1. Press Ctrl-Shift-I (⌘-Shift-I on Mac) to fix imports. A dialog opens to display all classes that will be imported. Note that the dialog correctly guesses for java.util.List.

fix all imports
Figure 6. Press Ctrl-Shift-I to fix imports in a file
  1. Click OK. All necessary import statements are added, and the class becomes free of any compiler errors.

Utilizing JPA’s EntityManager

As was mentioned in Adding Entity Classes and Session Beans, the EntityManager API is included in JPA, and is responsible for performing persistence operations on the database. In the AffableBean project, all of the EJBs employ the EntityManager. To demonstrate, open any of the session facade beans in the editor and note that the class uses the @PersistenceContext annotation to express a dependency on a container-managed EntityManager and its associated persistence context (AffableBeanPU, as specified in the persistence.xml file). For example, the ProductFacade bean looks as follows:

public class ProductFacade extends AbstractFacade<Product> {
    *@PersistenceContext(unitName = "AffableBeanPU")
    private EntityManager em;*

    protected EntityManager getEntityManager() {
        return em;


    // manually created
    public List<Product> findForCategory(Category category) {
        return em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Product p WHERE p.category = :category").
               setParameter("category", category).getResultList();


To be able to write to the database, the OrderManager EJB must take similar measures. With an EntityManager instance, we can then modify the helper methods (addCustomer, addOrder, addOrderedItems) so that the entity objects they create are written to the database.

  1. In OrderManager, apply the @PersistenceContext annotation to express a dependency on a container-managed EntityManager and the AffableBeanPU persistence context. Also declare an EntityManager instance.

public class OrderManager {

    *@PersistenceContext(unitName = "AffableBeanPU")
    private EntityManager em;*

  1. Press Ctrl-Shift-I (⌘:-Shift-I on Mac) to fix imports. Import statements for javax.persistence.EntityManager and javax.persistence.PersistenceContext are added to the top of the class.

  1. Use the EntityManager to mark entity objects to be written to the database. This is accomplished using the persist method in the EntityManager API. Make the following modifications to the helper methods.


private Customer addCustomer(String name, String email, String phone, String address, String cityRegion, String ccNumber) {

    Customer customer = new Customer();

    return customer;


private CustomerOrder addOrder(Customer customer, ShoppingCart cart) {

    // set up customer order
    CustomerOrder order = new CustomerOrder();

    // create confirmation number
    Random random = new Random();
    int i = random.nextInt(999999999);

    return order;


private void addOrderedItems(CustomerOrder order, ShoppingCart cart) {

    List<ShoppingCartItem> items = cart.getItems();

    // iterate through shopping cart and create OrderedProducts
    for (ShoppingCartItem scItem : items) {

        int productId = scItem.getProduct().getId();

        // set up primary key object
        OrderedProductPK orderedProductPK = new OrderedProductPK();

        // create ordered item using PK object
        OrderedProduct orderedItem = new OrderedProduct(orderedProductPK);

        // set quantity


The EntityManager’s `persist method does not immediately write the targeted object to the database. To describe this more accurately, the persist method places the object in the persistence context. This means that the EntityManager takes on the responsibility of ensuring that the entity object is synchronized with the database. Think of the persistence context as an intermediate state used by the EntityManager to pass entities between the object realm and the relational realm (hence the term 'object-relational mapping').

What is the scope of the persistence context? If you open the IDE’s Javadoc Index Search (Shift-F1; Shift-fn-F1 on Mac) and examine the Javadoc documentation for the `@PersistenceContext` annotation, you’ll note that the type element is used to "specif[y] whether a transaction-scoped persistence context or an extended persistence context is to be used." A transaction-scoped persistence context is created at the start of a transaction, and terminated when the transaction ends. An extended persistence context applies to stateful session beans only, and spans multiple transactions. The Javadoc documentation also informs us that javax.persistence.PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION is the default value for the type element. Therefore, although we didn’t specify that the EntityManager place objects in a transaction-scoped persistence context, this is in fact how a container-managed EntityManager behaves by default.

Synchronizing the Persistence Context with the Database

At this stage you might assume that, transaction or no transaction, the OrderManager is now able to successfully write entity objects to the database. Run the project and see how customer orders are currently being processed.

  1. Press F6 (fn-F6 on Mac) to run the project.

  2. Step through the business process flow. When you arrive at the checkout page, be sure to enter data that you know will not cause SQL errors to occur when the write actions are performed. (Validation is discussed in a later tutorial unit.) For example, enter the following into the checkout form:

    • name: Hugo Reyes

    • email:

    • phone: 606252924

    • address: Karlova 33

    • prague: 1

    • credit card number: 1111222233334444

In the coming steps, you are going to examine the server log in the IDE’s Output window. Before submitting the checkout form, open the Output window and clear the server log. You can accomplish this by right-clicking in the server log and choosing Clear (Ctrl-L; ⌘-L on Mac).

  1. Click the 'submit purchase' button. The server responds with an HTTP status 500 message.

gf error report
Figure 7. Server responds with an HTTP status 500 message
  1. Switch to the IDE and examine the server log. The server log is located in the Output window (Ctrl-4; ⌘-4 on Mac) under the GlassFish server tab. You come across the following text.

WARNING: A system exception occurred during an invocation on EJB OrderManager method
public int session.OrderManager.placeOrder(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,cart.ShoppingCart)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        [.underline]#at session.OrderManager.addOrderedItems(
        [.underline]#at session.OrderManager.placeOrder(

Maximize the Output window by pressing Shift-Esc.

The underlines displayed in the server log form links allowing you to navigate directly to the lines in your source files where errors are occurring.

  1. Click the link to session.OrderManager.addOrderedItems. The editor displays the line that is causing the exception.

null pointer exception
Figure 8. Click links in server output window to navigate directly to offending lines in source files

To understand why order.getId method returns null, consider what the code is actually trying to accomplish. The getId method attempts to get the ID of an order which is currently in the process of being created. Since the ID is an auto-incrementing primary key, the database automatically generates the value only when the record is added. One way to overcome this is to manually synchronize the persistence context with the database. This can be accomplished using the `EntityManager’s `flush` method.

  1. In the addOrderedItems method, add a call to flush the persistence context to the database.

private void addOrderedItems(CustomerOrder order, ShoppingCart cart) {


    List<ShoppingCartItem> items = cart.getItems();

    // iterate through shopping cart and create OrderedProducts
    for (ShoppingCartItem scItem : items) {

        int productId = scItem.getProduct().getId();

        // set up primary key object
        OrderedProductPK orderedProductPK = new OrderedProductPK();

        // create ordered item using PK object
        OrderedProduct orderedItem = new OrderedProduct(orderedProductPK);

        // set quantity

  1. Rerun the project and step through the business process flow. This time, when you submit the checkout form the confirmation page displays.

  1. To confirm that the details have been recorded in the database, open the IDE’s Services window (Ctrl-5; ⌘-5 on Mac). Locate the affablebean connection node. If the node appears broken ( connection broken ), right-click the node and choose Connect.

  1. Drill into the connection and locate the affablebean database’s customer table. Right-click the table and choose View Data. A graphical display of the customer table appears in the editor. The customer details that you added in the checkout form display as a record in the table.

customer record
Figure 9. View Data menu option performs a 'select *' query on the selected table

In this manner, you can also examine the customer_order and ordered_product tables to determine whether data has been recorded.

Setting up the Transaction Programmatically

A transaction’s primary function is to ensure that all operations are performed successfully, and if not, then none of the individual operations are performed.[1] The following steps demonstrate how to ensure that the write operations performed in the placeOrder method are treated as a single transaction.

  1. Refer to the transaction diagram above. Add the two transaction-related annotations to the OrderManager EJB.

public class OrderManager {

    @PersistenceContext(unitName = "AffableBeanPU")
    private EntityManager em;

    public int placeOrder(String name, String email, String phone, String address, String cityRegion, String ccNumber, ShoppingCart cart) {

        try {

The @TransactionManagement annotation is used to specify that any transactions occurring in the OrderManager EJB are container-managed. The @TransactionAttribute annotation placed on the placeOrder method specifies that any operations occurring in the method must be treated as part of a transaction.

According to the EJB Specification, container-managed transactions are enabled by default for session beans. Furthermore, if you examine the Javadoc for both of the above annotations, you will rightly point out that CONTAINER is the default TransactionManagementType, and REQUIRED is the default TransactionAttributeType. In other words, neither of the two annotations is required for your code to run properly. However, it is often helpful to explicitly include default settings in your sources to improve readability.

  1. Currently, the placeOrder method returns the ID of the processed order. In the event that the transaction fails and the order isn’t processed, have the method return ‘0’. Use a try-catch expression.

public int placeOrder(String name, String email, String phone, String address, String cityRegion, String ccNumber, ShoppingCart cart) {

    *try {*
        Customer customer = addCustomer(name, email, phone, address, cityRegion, ccNumber);
        CustomerOrder order = addOrder(customer, cart);
        addOrderedItems(order, cart);
        return order.getId();
    *} catch (Exception e) {
        return 0;

NetBeans Support for Code Templates

When you work in the editor, take advantage of the IDE’s support for code templates. Becoming proficient in using code templates ultimately enables you to work more efficiently and reliably.

For example, in the above step you can apply the trycatch template by typing in ‘trycatch’ then pressing Tab. The template is added to your file.

public int placeOrder(String name, String email, String phone, String address, String cityRegion, String ccNumber, ShoppingCart cart) {

    *try {

    } catch (Exception e) {
    Customer customer = addCustomer(name, email, phone, address, cityRegion, ccNumber);
    CustomerOrder order = addOrder(customer, cart);
    addOrderedItems(order, cart);
    return order.getId();

You can then move the four existing lines into the try clause by highlighting the lines, then holding Alt-Shift (Ctrl-Shift on Mac) and pressing the up arrow key. When you are finished, press F while holding Alt-Shift (Ctrl-Shift on Mac) to format the code.

public int placeOrder(String name, String email, String phone, String address, String cityRegion, String ccNumber, ShoppingCart cart) {

    try {
        *Customer customer = addCustomer(name, email, phone, address, cityRegion, ccNumber);
        CustomerOrder order = addOrder(customer, cart);
        addOrderedItems(order, cart);
        return order.getId();*
    } catch (Exception e) {

It is also possible to view and edit existing code templates, and add new templates in the IDE. Choose Tools > Options (NetBeans > Preferences on Mac) to open the Options window. Select Editor > Code Templates.

code templates
Figure 10. View default code templates and define new templates in the Options window

If you’d like to see more templates, consult the Keyboard Shortcuts Card. The Keyboard Shortcuts Card provides a list of commonly-used code templates and keyboard shortcuts. Choose Help > Keyboard Shortcuts Card from the main menu.

  1. Add the following code. Explanation follows.

@PersistenceContext(unitName = "AffableBeanPU")
private EntityManager em;
private SessionContext context;*

public int placeOrder(String name, String email, String phone, String address, String cityRegion, String ccNumber, ShoppingCart cart) {

    try {
        Customer customer = addCustomer(name, email, phone, address, cityRegion, ccNumber);
        CustomerOrder order = addOrder(customer, cart);
        addOrderedItems(order, cart);
        return order.getId();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return 0;

Unfortunately, placing the three methods in the try clause means that if one of them fails during runtime, the engine immediately jumps to the catch clause, thus skipping any rollback operations that would normally follow.

You can test this by commenting out the em.flush() line you previously added. This way, you know that the first two methods (addCustomer and addOrder) process successfully, but the third method (addOrderedItems) fails. Run the project and submit the checkout form in the browser. Since the transaction doesn’t roll back, the customer and order records are written to the database, but any ordered items are not. This leads to a situation where the database is corrupt.

To overcome this, you explicitly set the transaction for rollback in the catch clause. The above @Resource annotation is applied to grab an instance of the EJB’s current SessionContext. The transaction is marked for rollback using the setRollbackOnly method.

  1. Run the project and step through the business process flow. When you submit an order, return to the IDE and examine the server log. You’ll see output similar to the following:

transaction output

Press Shift-Esc on the Output window to maximize it.

As shown in the above image, the green text indicates output from EclipseLink. Recall how in Adding Entity Classes and Session Beans you set EclipseLink’s logging level to FINEST in the persistence unit. Being able to examine this output is key to understanding how the persistence provider interacts with the database and is a great help when you need to debug your project.

You’ve now successfully integrated the transaction into the AffableBean project. You can download snapshot 8 to examine code that completes the request-response cycle when a checkout form is submitted. The snapshot implements a getOrderDetails method in the OrderManager, which gathers all details pertaining to the placed order. If the transaction succeeds, the ControllerServlet places order details in the request scope, destroys the user’s cart object, terminates the session, and forwards the request to the confirmation view. If the transaction fails, the ControllerServlet flags an error and forwards the response to the checkout view, enabling the user to attempt a resubmit.

checkout page
Figure 11. Upon transaction failure, the checkout page redisplays with error message

Validating and Converting User Input

Also included in snapshot 8 are implementations for client and server-side validation for the checkout form. Form validation is the process of checking that a form has been filled in correctly before it is processed. This not only aids users by providing meaningful feedback for fields with invalid entries, but it also serves to thwart any malicious attempts to submit content that could adversely affect processing or storage.

There are two primary methods for validating forms: server-side (in our case, using Java), and client-side (using JavaScript). Both methods are usually essential for providing a pleasant user experience, as well as robust security for your application. Client-side validation is useful for offering immediate feedback to the user without the need to initiate a round-trip between the browser and server. As such, it can stem network traffic and decrease the server load. Modern forms of client-side validation are often implemented to provide immediate, "as-you-type", field-specific feedback to the user. Client-side JavaScript is run on the browser, and browsers generally allow JavaScript to be disabled. For this reason alone, your application cannot rely on client-side validation as the sole means of guarding against malformed or nefarious input. Server-side validation checks should therefore be performed when form data reaches the server. Data is extracted from the request and checked prior to being processed and/or stored. If a validation error is detected, the server responds by returning the form to the user with an appropriate message. If all data passes validation, data is converted to a different format if required.

Client-Side Validation

For the AffableBean application, client-side validation is provided by a popular jQuery plugin. jQuery is a cross-browser JavaScript library designed to simplify client-side scripting of HTML.

client side validation
Figure 12. Field validation messages appear upon clicking 'submit purchase'

Snapshot 8 includes a js folder that contains the jQuery core library (jquery-1.4.2.js) as well as the script for the validation plugin (jquery.validate.js). The core library is referenced in the application header.jspf file, while the validation plugin script is referenced directly in checkout.jsp since it is only required by that file. Within checkout.jsp, the plugin is customized to suit the checkout form based on available documentation.

<script type="text/javascript">

            rules: {
                name: "required",
                email: {
                    required: true,
                    email: true
                phone: {
                    required: true,
                    number: true,
                    minlength: 9
                address: {
                    required: true
                creditcard: {
                    required: true,
                    creditcard: true

The IDE provides support for jQuery by enabling you to invoke code completion and documentation in the editor when pressing Ctrl-Space.

jquery editor support
Figure 13. Press Ctrl-Space on JavaScript code to invoke jQuery documentation

When you code in JavaScript, the IDE lets you specify which browsers your application is targeting. Open the Options window (Choose Tools > Options; NetBeans > Preferences on Mac), select Miscellaneous, then select the JavaScript tab.

javascript window
Figure 14. Specify targetted browsers for your application in the Options window

If the function you are calling documentation on does not support all of your targeted browsers, the documentation popup flags a warning. For example in the image below, Internet Explorer version 5.5 has been included in the application’s targeted browsers.

ie 55
Figure 15. Documentation popup warns of method calls to non-compatible browser versions

Server-Side Validation

The purpose of server-side validation is to ensure that each piece of data is in a format that is ready for further processing or is acceptable for storage. By "format", we mean both the data type as well as the size of the piece of data. The generated JPA entity classes are guaranteed to map their properties to the appropriate data types of the corresponding database table columns. When relying on these entity classes, we need to not only make sure that user data can be applied to create (or update) entity classes, but that the size of the data is appropriate for the data types of the database columns.

To illustrate an example, consider the checkout form’s credit card number field. Client-side validation checks that the entered data does not include letters.[2] Because the maxlength attribute in the HTML markup is set to 19, users cannot enter more than 19 characters into this field. Server-side validation also places a limit at 19 characters. Keep in mind that the data type of the cc_number column in the database’s customer table is: VARCHAR(19) (Refer to step 3 of Designing the Data Model: Adding Entity Properties.) Now, consider what would happen if the data type of the cc_number column is set to VARCHAR(16), and a user enters a number that is 19 characters long. When the checkout form is submitted, the creditcard parameter is extracted from the request and converted into a String so that it becomes the ccNumber property in a newly created Customer object. Because 16 is the maximum number of characters the database column will hold, the database server will either truncate the number to 16 characters or produce a MysqlDataTruncation error, depending on the SQL mode set for the server. (For more information on the VARCHAR data type, see 10.4.1. The CHAR and VARCHAR Types.) In this manner, by not having client and server-side validation properly handle the size (i.e., length) of the data received for a credit card number, we risk a failed attempt at placing an order, or perhaps even worse, a truncated credit card number, which obviously won’t allow payment.

Server-side validation in the AffableBean project is implemented by means of a Validator class. The ControllerServlet creates a Validator object and calls its validateForm method on the user data:

// validate user data
boolean validationErrorFlag = false;
validationErrorFlag = validator.validateForm(name, email, phone, address, cityRegion, ccNumber, request);

// if validation error found, return user to checkout
if (validationErrorFlag == true) {
    request.setAttribute("validationErrorFlag", validationErrorFlag);
    userPath = "/checkout";

    // otherwise, save order to database
} else {


If a validation error is found (i.e., if validateForm returns true), a flag is raised in the form of a request-scoped attribute, and the server sends the checkout page back to the client. When the flag is detected in checkout.jsp, a new table row is created to display error messages at the top of the table.

<form id="checkoutForm" action="<c:url value='purchase'/>" method="post">
    <table id="checkoutTable">
      <c:if test="${!empty validationErrorFlag}">
            <td colspan="2" style="text-align:left">
                <span class="error smallText">Please provide valid entries for the following field(s):

                  <c:if test="${!empty nameError}">
                    <br><span class="indent"><strong>name</strong> (e.g., Bilbo Baggins)</span>
                  <c:if test="${!empty emailError}">
                    <br><span class="indent"><strong>email</strong> (e.g.,</span>
                  <c:if test="${!empty phoneError}">
                    <br><span class="indent"><strong>phone</strong> (e.g., 222333444)</span>
                  <c:if test="${!empty addressError}">
                    <br><span class="indent"><strong>address</strong> (e.g., Korunní 56)</span>
                  <c:if test="${!empty cityRegionError}">
                    <br><span class="indent"><strong>city region</strong> (e.g., 2)</span>
                  <c:if test="${!empty ccNumberError}">
                    <br><span class="indent"><strong>credit card</strong> (e.g., 1111222233334444)</span>



You can test server-side validation by temporarily disabling JavaScript in your browser.

server side validation
Figure 16. Temporarily disable JavaScript in your browser to test server-side validation

The provided implementation of server-side validation here serves merely to demonstrate how server-side validation can be set up in your project. The actual validation logic contained in the Validator class does not perform anything beyond the most basic of checks and should certainly not be used in a production environment!

Data Conversion

Sometimes, after data has passed validation, you may need to convert it into a different format. For example, this might apply to dates when users are allowed to enter them manually, or numbers that have been received as String objects but require calculation. This important step is referred to as server-side data conversion.

Although not implemented in the AffableBean application, consider again the checkout form’s credit card number field. Both client and server-side validation allows for different formats for numbers. For example, validation will accept the following number:


Validation will also accept the same number in the following format.


Because of the ambiguous nature in which this piece of user data is acquired, it might be necessary to remove any hyphens (‘-’) or other non-numeric characters prior to processing payment. This step would likely occur before the data is placed in storage.


  1. ^ This all or nothing concept can be further extrapolated into the four defining characteristics of transactions: atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID). For more information, see: ACID [Wikipedia].

  2. ^ Actually, for credit card number entries, validation typically ensures that the entered string conforms to the Luhn algorithm, which is a simple method of differentiating between valid numbers and a collection of random digits. This applies to the jQuery validation plugin as well. For more information, see Luhn algorithm [Wikipedia].